Monday, December 16, 2013

Elf on the Shelf

My classroom got a very special visitor after Thanksgiving break!!  An Elf on the Shelf was waiting for the students on the white board with a note that said, "I brought you some new pencils and erasers! Merry Christmas!  I need a name!!"  The kids were so excited.  I asked the students to brainstorm a name for our friendly elf.  After voting the name decided upon was Chippy.  Chippy has been a fun addition to our classroom.  He has cut his name out of paper, hid in the Reading Street materials, played hockey with Gronkowski (a gray owl), colored some pictures for student's birthday and has been very sneaky with his hiding. 
1. Chippy cuts out his name.
2. Chippy hiding in the shopping bag holder.
3. Chippy in the Reading Street boxes with garland.
4. Chippy playing hockey for Ryan's birthday.